24 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

Examples of Journalistic Work - Press Coverage


Within the light of previous May Day events, 1st of May in Istanbul covered diversely by newspapers. There has been a conflict for years between the ones who want to celebrate May Day in Taksim and the Istanbul governorship who does not allow Taksim celebrations depicting on Taksim is an unsecure place for demonstrations. Conversations between the governorship and labor unions, Turkish government’s declaration to accept May as a holiday and the celebrations after 31 years labeled the news.

Hürriyet, Milliyet and Radikal briefly covered May Day celebrations and depict the conflict between governorship and labor unions. They also focused that labor unions was able to celebrate 1st of May and commemorate 1977 events. 1977’s 1st of May in Taksim was the most violent 1st of May celebration ended with 34 death and 126 injuries and Taksim square hosted exciting celebrations. Hurriyet’s headline was “TAKSIM AFTER 31 YEARS”, Milliyet’s “WORKERS AT TAKSIM AFTER 31 YEARS” and Radikal used photography to represent the May Day using “THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY” in its headline and covered celebrations, demonstration attempts of illegal ideological groups and extra ordinary police force, 25.000 in the front page.

Sabah covered the news using “PEACE AT SQUARE WAR ON STREET” comparing the limited number of labor union members in square celebrating and the other people who police forces acted violently while they were trying to reach square while Cumhuriyet Newspaper focus on the Taksim Square is not a taboo anymore. Taraf described May Day as the “the war day between state of law and police state”. Newspapers known with their religious backgrounds gave little interest on 1 st of May. Vakit and Yeni Şafak nearly did not covered the May Day news and Zaman depicted on only government and governorship related news about 1st May.

Examples of Journalistic Work - Interview


Etyen Mahcupyan, editor in chief of Agos since the assassination of Hrant Dink in 2007, talked about changes in Agos, Armenian community in Turkey and journalism.

Agos, one of the leading newspapers in Turkey, gained more importance after the attack on its editor in chief Hrant Dink. Mahcupyan stated after he took Dink’s position in Agos, the changes in the newspaper accelerated and Agos focused identity and human rights more precisely. “Death of Hrant changed the newspaper radically” said Mahcupyan depicting on Agos is turning into a newspaper for everyone rather than a community newspaper. Upon talking about reaction of some community members who financially support Agos, Mahcupyan indicated that there is “a fear of losing identity” in some parts of the community.

“Every nation state tries to turn its country into a mosaic” said Mahcupyan and stressed that the efforts of making Turkey a mosaic may led differentiation of ethnic groups. He also stated that some people in Armenian community in Istanbul choose to differentiate themselves from other in order to protect their identity as pointing out that both Armenian minority and Turkish government should endeavor to stop this process.

Mahcupyan pointed that Turkey is in a “changing era” while facing with some of dark parts in its history and added; “It is unavoidable that those changes will affect journalism.” Mahcupyan indicated within compression of Turkish politics, Turkish media started to act as a puppet of politics besides mentioning that he is hopeful for the future of Turkish media with its efforts for freedom of press.

Examples of Journalistic Work


Land Reform in Latin America: a historical and political perspective

Cumhuriyet Strategy, Oct.2008, Issue: 231, Page 18-19

After a short summary on land reform, the article goes through various land reform attempts in Latin America especially in the last century. It also mentions land reforms of specific countries. The political atmosphere of the eras that land reforms occurred and continuing attempts to redistribution of land and the conflicts it brought also depicted.

Examples of Journalistic Work


How US Elections seen from Latin America: Expectations of the region

Cumhuriyet Strategy, Dec. 2008, Issue: 230, Page 16

Barack Obama’s presidency brought new hopes for the Latin American region. Cuban embargo, Anti- American wave through the region are the main issues Obama has to deal with. The future of “ Plan Columbia”, Hispanic migrants in US and Obama’s thoughts about “Free Trade” are the other issues Latin American countries are wondering what will happen. The article mainly focuses on those topics and giving analyst’s opinions.

Examples of Journalistic Work


Going Back to Latin America; Russia tires to strengthen relations with region

Cumhuriyet Strategy, Oct. 2008, Issue: 232, Page 16

“Russia is jealous about China and tries to reply USA. “ Going Back to Latin America”

After depicting on Russian President Dimitri Medvedev’s Latin American trip, article covers different comments on Medvedev’s trip. In the light of fact that left-wing nationalist governments in Latin American region are constructing military and energy operations with Russia, article covers future expectations of Latin American countries and Russia from corporations. Also Russia’s possible strategy, trying to respond USA’s attempts to separate Russia from its neighbors appears in the article.

Examples of Journalistic Work


UNASUR: A European Union Model for the region.

Cumhuriyet Strategy, Oct. 2008, Issue: 234, Page: 10

The article focuses on UNASUR, a Latin American EU model settlement. After a short summary how UNASUR founded the countries inside UNASUR, institutions and institutional mechanisms are explaining. UNASUR’s reactions to the recent events in Latin America, future aims and also opinions of journalists and analysts about UNASUR appear in the article.

20 Mayıs 2009 Çarşamba

Examples of Journalistic Work

Ulusal Sanayici ve İş Adamları Derneği (USIAD)

National Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (USIAD)